Wednesday, November 17, 2010

First Timers

We had two firsts this week. First, we went to a hockey game. It was the first hockey game for both me and Brandon. It was really fun. I can totally see why Canada is so into hockey. it was really fun to watch and they made the players look like heroes as they skated their way onto the ice. Brandon kept hoping for a fight, we had a few close calls but the refs were really on the players. Brandon was disappointed about that. I kept saying that I thought the players were mean. they would just ram someone into a wall for no reason. I mean I understand it if he has the puck and its imperative that you smash him against a plexi glass wall, but if theres no specific reason its just plain old mean. It was the Everett Silvertips vs. the Chilliwack Bruins. The Silvertips won by one point in a sudden death overtime.

Here is a little piece of the action. We were in the seventh row. We had very good seats especially when the silvertips were shooting into this goal. Kristi kept embarrassing us because she was cheering for Chilliwack(thats in British Columbia)
Here we are at the game. 

And our other first was a purchase. We bought us a brand new TV. Brandon really wanted one and just couldn't wait for us to get to Rexburg. We were going to wait until Black Friday, but we didn't want to get trampled and have to wake up at 2am just for a few bucks off. So we decided to get this little beauty. Brandon went and got it yesterday and hooked it up right away. I would have been perfectly ok just leaving it in the box, but not Brandon. It was probably pretty funny to the cashier because we bought it with like 12 gift cards that we had for target from the wedding. Its the one thing Brandon wanted and since I picked out everything else we've boughten with them, I guess its only fair. So here Brandon is with his new baby.
Hes very happy now. He even connected our DVD player to it today cause he wanted to see how movies would look on it. haha

Thursday, November 4, 2010


We started off our Halloween festivities on Friday night. We made some molasses cookies shaped like pumpkin with this delicious cream cheese frosting. They were really good and festive. Then we carved our pumpkins. Brandon and I picked up two more pumpkins from Fred Meyer and Kristi carved the huge pumpkin that my parents grew in their garden. my dad has never been much of a pumpkin carver, even when we were kids he never had his own pumpkin, he always just helped us. So this year he designated himself as the judge for the best pumpkin.

Here we all are hard at work. Kristi is next to her pumpkin. I believe she does this same pumpkin face every is proof

So the pumpkin on the left is kristis...i think those eyes do look a little familiar...
And this is the year before. They eyes are a little bit different, but you get what im saying.

Anyways, Here is mine and Brandon's pumpkins. Mine is the house with the trees next to it, and naturally brandon's is Yoda. My dad was so amazed at what we carved. he had no idea that brandon used a pattern for his. he was not so impressed when he found out. 

On Saturday, My friend Joslyne and I had a little party for some of our Primary kids. it was very successful and fun. It was a costume party so brandon and I went as.....
Waldo and Wenda.

Here is Waldo....
And Wenda. Apparently no one knows that the girl Waldo is named Wenda. But she is and we were not both waldos as everyone thought. Waldo and Wenda are like an epic duo at hide and seek. How could people not know who she is! Anyways, we enjoyed wearing these lovely costumes around town. the checker at Fred Meyer thought is was pretty funny. When we walked up, she was like "oh found you!" Oh and Brandon was loving his costume. he kept asking me to take pictures of him hiding places and he dreamed of standing in the middle of a crowd while I took a picture. Unfortunately for him Snohomish doesn't quite offer the kind of crowd needed for that type of feat.Heres the best I could do for him...
Wheres Waldo?

That night we went and passed out candy at the trunk or treat. Seeing as we are poor and my parents are in Hawaii, we bought one bag of candy that had 100 pieces of candy, and we were out of candy in 15 minutes! so we just left as to not disapoint any more children when we told them we were out of candy.  heres Brandon passing out candy to the kids. 
On Sunday we just watched Lost and passed out candy. We made homemade pizza for dinner because I remember my mom always making homemade pizza on Halloween before we went trick or treating. It was a great weekend.