Thursday, September 22, 2011

Smarty pants

Brandon got some new glasses yesterday. his eyes were getting really tired so he thought he might need a stronger prescription. he uses his glasses mostly for reading and studying but he sure looks smart and handsome when he wears them. Don't you think?
 He wanted to be holding a book in the picture to make him look smarter. Hes so cute.

On a side note, school is going good for brandon. he is especially loving his raquetball class. I am also really liking the health center, however the days are far too long and i have killer headaches by the time i get home. Maybe i need some glasses too.


  1. Way cool! I would like to see him wearing a suit and tie and the glasses....
    Dr.B.R Plunkett!

  2. I wish I had glasses to help make me look smart. And when did married people get to take fun classes like raquetball.

  3. When there wasn't enough room in the lab I needed. PS justin should take up raquetball so I can actually beat him at something

  4. Andi just informed me that sean took golf so there!
